Sunday, May 2, 2010

If it's Sunday, It Must Be Finals Week

It's hard to know where to start. We keep getting rid of stuff and more stuff keeps turning up. And all three of the college men in the family are facing finals this week and want me to edit their papers. So I'll be brief.

Decrapification projects are ongoing -- going through boxes in the garage, going through books, going through (gulp!) stashes of yarn and fabric. The house, in general, is relatively neat and clean so I won't embarrass myself tonight by posting pictures of the clutter. Another day.

The young men who go to school a few states away will be returning at the end of next week. And then the fun begins. I have a long list of "summer projects" for them, like:
-- Taking down the playhouse in the back yard and putting up the New New Shed on its slab
-- Clearing out debris in the front and back yards
-- Interior painting
-- Some odds and ends to finish up the  bathrooms that were redone last summer
-- Replacing the kitchen light and fixing the ceiling
-- Helping the Drama Queen pack so she can move out again

And therein hangs a (small) tale. The Drama Queen, as you may recall, occupies two bedrooms. When Media Guy is home, he takes over one of those rooms. Since his summer break is 3 and a half months and the Drama Queen plans to move out at the end of the summer, she is moving completely out of what will now be Media Guy's bedroom. To prove it, look what happened today:
Yes, there are a few clothes and other odds lying about, but the television is gone! Moving the television is a major commitment on the Drama Queen's part.

We have done a lot of clearing in her bedroom as well. Books are unpacked and on the shelves. Clothes are washed and put away. She has a lot of winnowing out to do this summer, but there is definite progress.

Except for one thing.
The Small Annoying Tortie (aka LSB) has moved in with her. At least whenever the door is open long enough.

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