Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday (weird name for a day) Project Update

Project, project, who's got a project?

Problem is, there are a number of projects that need to be done, but nothing is going to happen on most of them for another week or three. Summer vacation = project time.

Two years ago, we redid the kitchen over the summer. Last year, we had work done in all three bathrooms. This year.... it's time to wrap things up. Besides the outside projects, which I mentioned yesterday, there are things to be done indoors.
Something obviously must be done about this kitchen ceiling. We have a call in to the electrician to put up a new light fixture, one that includes a fan. Once that is done, there's some work to do on the ceiling and walls. After that, we can paint pretty much all of the public areas downstairs.

The master bedroom and bath, along with the Wizard's office will need to be painted upstairs. And we should probably also deal with the halls in the stairwell.  And I've already mentioned ripping up and replacing carpets.
 This demonstrates part of the carpet problem. The previous owners apparently cut out various corners and put carpet scraps in. This happens all over the house. Just one more thing to fix for the next people who live here.

Beyond household projects, there are always and forever the boxes in the garage.
As much as I would like to forget them, I really can't. It's just not in my nature.


  1. Cheer up, It's May! Think of all the progress you have already made. The hardest part will be managing your slave labor.

  2. My slave labor works or it doesn't get fed.
