Sunday, May 16, 2010

Home Again with Negative Progress to Report

Y'know, I spend all this time getting crap out and it takes so little time for the crap to find its way back in. Just the other day, for example, I drove to La La Land to pick up two of the offspring from college. They had finished their finals, so I assumed that they would have at least started packing. But take a look at Media Guy's college room:
Future Vet had made a start:
Sort of:
Ah, well. I set them to packing and went off to read a book under a tree. Eventually, in the fullness of time, my car started to fill up:
As did the car that Media Guy and Future Vet are allowed to use while at school:
But wait, as they say, there's more!
Eventually, the back seat of the offspring's car was about as full as it could be:
As was my van, considering that I wanted to be able to see out of the back of the car:
But then, there was a slight complication. There is always a slight complication, and I have to admit that this one was pretty small:
But awfully cute. It seems that one of Future Vet's friends had acquired a kitten but the friend's parents wouldn't let him take the kitten home. How was I supposed to leave that face behind?

So we had to figure out a way to fold a kitten into the car without getting her little self crushed if things shifted while we drove. Fortunately, she found a place to pack herself:
She also apparently figured out who she most needed to suck up to and took the Wizard in hand. First she helped him check his email:
Then she curled up on his shoulder and took a nap:

So now we are back home, kitten and all. And there are, once again, piles of STUFF all over the place. Like in Future Vet's bedroom:
And Media Guy's room:
And the front hall:
And the dining room:
I'm doing my best to insist that everything be put away before the end of the day. We have company coming on Tuesday and I want it all out of sight, preferably not entirely out of mind.

So the state of the decrapification is that letting the kids come home from college for the summer only adds to the crap in the house.

This time, at least, they also increased the cuteness factor.

We are thinking of calling her Sophie.

1 comment:

  1. You did a fine job of getting the "crap" out of the common areas. The house felt alot roomier than in the past.

    Thank you for hosting and love to Sophie.
