Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Weekend of Knitting Progress and Not Much Else

Media Guy and Future Vet left to go back to college this weekend, so the decrapification progress can start proceeding again. They got back to school safely enough -- they were only stopped by the police once and only blew out one tire on their car. Not bad, all things considered.

Last Thursday, before Future Vet left, I had him try on the body and sleeves of the Wallaby to make sure that they fit before I went any further:

Yesterday, during the period when they were supposed to be driving but I was getting attempts at phone calls from both of them (they obviously had no cell phone service wherever they were) and the only thing I heard from them for over an hour was a cryptic text message that said: "Did [my brother] tell you what happened?", I took up the knitting again to stay calm. I made a lot of progress while waiting to hear that they had blown out a tire while traveling at 85 mph, spun completely around on the road, and were waiting for a tow truck. But we're okay, folks!

That was about 8 inches of knitting -- all done on automatic. This morning, I added about one more inch at the top of the body and attached the sleeves:

This Wallaby may actually get finished this week. (G'd willin' and the river don't rise.)

After the young men got their car packed and took off, I took a picture of the Drama Queen's living/sitting room, which Media Guy has been using for the past month. Just for the record. Media Guy will be back for Spring Break at the end of March, after all. I'll try to sneak in and check on how it's holding up from time to time, but not on a daily basis.

Tomorrow I plan to start de-crapifying the debris of having everyone home for most of a month. Things got piled up everywhere. Like on and around the desk in the dining room:

And the butcher block table in the dining room:

And my desk, the clearing of which seems like a Sisyphean task.

Funny. That desk looks a lot more cluttered from where I am sitting.

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