Friday, January 22, 2010

Freecycle Friday, with a sick kitty

This is the week I had planned to get back into Freecycle mode. You know -- give away the STUFF as part of the decrapifying process. Somewhere I have a big box of things to Freecycle, but when we moved all those boxes out of the storage locker, my box of Freecycle items got buried. So I had to find something else to give away.

It should not be a surprise to anyone that finding other things to get rid of was no biggie. And two of the items I listed take up lots and lots of space, so that's another plus. First of all:

That's right - TEN empty Tidy-Cat litter buckets. There are a lot of people who seem to have uses for these, so I hang onto them when Sports Nut empties them. And since they were relatively accessible in the garage, I offered them up on the Freecycle altar. And tomorrow, people are coming to take them away....

The other big space-waster was two enormous garbage bags full of empty DVD cases. Over the last few months, I have moved our entire DVD collection into slim cases to free up more shelf space. Back in June, we did this with Future Vet's DVDs. I offered the empty DVD cases back then and people took them. And when I offered more yesterday, lots of people showed an interest. I'd show you a picture of the one enormous bag and four merely big bags of DVD cases being picked up this weekend, but the camera crapped out on me.

And there were smaller things, like this iPod case:

Or these extremely unfortunate oil paintings made by one of my Grandmother's sisters:

I suspect the person taking these is only interested in the frames. And that's okay.

In going through boxes this week, I also found a collection of trail maps from all over the state. I have no idea when or why I collected these, but somewhere in Dodge, there is a person who wants them. Yay!

Other Freecycled items that I can't show you because of camera problems (how can we possibly be out of AA batteries?) are some small bags that Hanukka gelt came in and a keychain fob with a small level that came in something we ordered from somewhere. Seriously, why do companies toss in things you don't order? To them, it's probably good advertising, but to me it's just more crap that I have to get rid of.

If I find some batteries tomorrow, I will show you what did NOT rush out the door when I listed it on Freecycle.

The knitting continues but is not picture-worthy even if the camera were working. As soon as I make some notable progress, you will be the fifth or sixth to know.

I did not go through a box today because I got derailed by taking one of the cats to the vet. Poor Dybbie has a urinary tract blockage and we spent a lot of money getting his bladder flushed out. Sadly, our vet is not offering a very good prognosis, partly because Dybbie was so traumatized (he doesn't like being picked up and shoved into cat carriers) that they couldn't put an IV line in him.  When he came home, he was still pretty pissed off at the world in general, and at me in particular.

That is a very fat tail for this cat. He spent most of the afternoon hiding in a drawer hissing and spitting at me whenever I checked on him. He finally came out later on and I managed to give him some liquid antibiotics without stressing him too much more. His recovery depends a lot on whether he will eat and drink and then, you know ... eliminate. He's only 5 years old. It just doesn't seem fair for him to be having problems of this magnitude at such a young age.

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember Bengal. He had the same problem at around the same age. We ended up assisting the vet as he catheterized(sp?) Bengal. I, of course, being of the Y chromosone, fainted. Bengal, on the otherhand, survived for many more years of love and affection.
