Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finished the To-Do List Today!

Checking off everything on my personal daily "to-do" list doesn't happen often for me, but updating this blog is the last thing on the list -- and it's not even midnight yet. Whoo-hoo!

Okay, down to brass tacks. Today the back hallway, the one that goes past the bedrooms, finally became passable:

And books we are keeping, at least for the present, were put onto the shelves (which had been cleaned):

Multiple boxes were emptied:

That's where most of those books came from, which means that some of the boxes from the front hall got sorted out:

Leaving us with how many boxes still to go through?

The astute observer will note that there is no box or tag for #13. This is not because we are superstitious or anything like that. It's just that box #13 was full of former homeschooling materials and went, in its entirety, to some homeschooling friends last week.

Hey, I don't care how the stuff gets moved out or in what order. I'm just glad that they are gone.

One interesting find in the boxes I went through today was this book:

Interesting because, once upon a time, when the offspring were much younger than they are now, we contributed some information about our family that ended up as a chapter in this book. It was kind of fun to read through it again and see what we were doing (or, more accurately, what we said we were doing) ten years ago.

And finally, the reason I am getting to this update so late -- I managed to sit down and knit this evening. (Yes, that was on the to-do list.) It may not look like much progress, but the shoulder shaping has started:

The wind is howling outside and snow may be in the offing. That sweater might come in handy here, but it's going to sunny California as soon as it is finished.

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