Monday, October 19, 2009

This is Progress! No, Really!!

Today I sorted those boxes that I discovered in my bedroom.

Look how much progress I made!

What? You aren't impressed? Well, take a look in the other direction:

This still doesn't look like progress to you? Sheesh!

Okay, what we have here is piles of boxes. There's a pile of boxes that have  books in them, a BIG pile of empty boxes (that's good, right?), a pile of boxes that have papers and office supplies in them, a pile of boxes with yarn, a pile of boxes of papers that I need to go through one  by one.

Unfortunately, that first picture is of a pile of boxes that I still have to go through. But this is the way I work -- divide and (with luck) conquer. Tomorrow I will start getting those boxes out, or empty, or whatever it is I need to do with them. And then, of course, I get to sort through the rest of the boxes.

On the other hand, I think you would agree that the balcony looks much better tonight:

I even sat out there for a while this afternoon and enjoyed the view. There's still a lot of cleaning to do, but at least I got rid of all those boxes left behind by the guys who worked on the bathroom.

What's that? What happened to all those boxes and other junk? Well, I threw them down the stairs:

When I tossed them down, I thought they were just empty boxes with a little packing material. I didn't realize there was a lot of other debris from the bathroom work -- things like washers and screws and a drainpipe. So there was a little more cleanup at the foot of the stairs than I had anticipated.

But here's the result -- a box full of cardboard to take to the recycling center and a bag of trash to take to the trashcan:

Not too bad for the first day's work. And I have 3 more days before the Wizard gets home.

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