Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another day, a little more progress

It rained again today. I woke up at 5:45 and heard the rain on the balcony roof and all I could think about was how it was going to be my responsibility to get downstairs and let the dogs out. The Wizard, as we know, is out of town. Sports Nut and the Drama Queen are in the house, but neither had to be at class or at work early this morning. So it was obviously my job. It took me about another hour to actually get out of bed and force the dogs to go outside and pee in the pouring rain, but I managed.

Because of the rain, I did not get the 6 or 7 boxes of office supplies out of the bedroom and into the shed. So today's pile of boxes in the bedroom doesn't actually look all that different from yesterday's pile of boxes.

However, it occurred to me today that this picture is somewhat deceptive. There happens to be a large open space behind the boxes that you cannot see from this angle, so I walked around it and took a picture to show that I have, indeed, made some progress here:

And while I was in the area, I ducked out to the (cold, wet) balcony and took the obligatory picture there:

I took this picture from a slightly different angle so that the boxes out there are actually visible. These are okay boxes, though. The big brown box leaning against the wall is a new cushion for the papa-san chair. Not much point in using it right now, so it's staying in the box for a while longer.

The white boxes in the foreground are full of K'nex pieces. We love K'nex and have lots and lots of set and pieces and what-nots. My own children don't build with them much any more, but I have young friends who come over and have fun with them. Most of the pieces are actually in nice plastic bins. I'll get around to replacing these banker's boxes soon.

And here's the view of the other side of the bedroom:

As you can see, a few more boxes (4, to be exact) were moved out. I took them downstairs so that I could go through them.

And go through them, I did. Several more were full of youth group stuff. In the end, I decided to keep (not really keep, because this stuff will go back to the synagogue where it will probably be thrown out) only a few things -- copies of the by-laws, the national organization's constitution, bank statements, some awards the chapter won. The rest went into recycle bags.

Another box was full of things I saved from our homeschooling years -- assignment sheets, weekly plans, math sheets, vocabulary stuff, assessments, education plans from various years. And lots of stuff from the offspring's Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations. A lot of that got recycled as well. By the end of the day, I had two really big bags of papers to be recycled:

And one box of odds and ends -- empty file folders, some stationery, a pair of gloves (no idea why those were in a box of papers).

The rest of the story -- two empty banker's boxes, a box of stuff to be shredded, and the box that is going back to the synagogue for the youth group:

In some ways I would like to say that these two pictures -- the recycling and the shredding/empty boxes/youth group stuff was the end of the story. Unfortunately, there are also two banker's boxes with other papers that we need to file. But not tonight.

Tomorrow we are all hoping for a beautiful sunny day so that I can move boxes out to the shed.

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