Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blogs and painting ... and very little content

Over the weekend, while celebrating Sukkot, I realized that I need to break this down into multiple blogs. One needs to be about being Jewish in the Galut (our exile here in Dodge). And that's where I can talk about Sukkot.

And maybe I'll do one about food, which has consumed way too many hours over the past couple of weeks. When I say "consumed", I don't necessarily mean eating, though eating has definitely been a large part of it. But at some point I realized that I had spent 4 days preparing food, 2 days eating food (with help, I'll admit), and 1 day freezing leftover food. And then what happened? I had to go out and buy more food.

Food, like the laundry, appears to be eternal.

But this blog is about getting out of Dodge. We definitely need to eat while working on getting out of Dodge, but since we have to keep buying more food while we are doing the getting out, it's kind of hard to talk about clearing out the food as part of the process.

So, a short back-flash to some of the work we did over the summer. Actually, Sports Nut and Future Vet and Media Guy did most of this work. But I watched!

We (that is to say, they) painted:

That is Sports Nuts' new room, which has a cool alcove and some interesting roof lines. He chose a combination of greens to go along with the orange alcove (orange in honor of his orange cats). It actually looks pretty good now that it is all done.

And here's one of the bathrooms in process:

It may help to know that this bathroom used to be purple and who-knows-what. Now the walls are a tasteful pale gray and the woodwork is a darker gray. Much more in keeping with the adult dignity of the offspring, and (we hope) much more saleable than purple and yellow-ish.

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