Wednesday, March 3, 2010

While in the process

Today Sports Nut and I moved boxes around in the garage so that we could pull out boxes of haggadahs for Passover, which is coming right up. While doing that, I opened up the boxes we had to move in order to get to the shelf where the haggadahs were stored, just to see what sort of things were in them. And, though they are not yet out of the house, I found three (count 'em --3!) boxes that were almost completely full of homeschooling materials that we no longer need.
I really don't need that top book any more -- all of the offspring are successfully in college. Tomorrow morning, these boxes are going over to a current homeschooler's house -- and thence, out of my life. The great work progresses.

Unfortunately, I haven't gone through enough STUFF over the past week to come up with a really good "what is it", so I'm going to show you something that I absolutely, positively know what is and was delighted to find today:
That, my friends, is a list of things that I need to be sure to buy for Pesach this year. I wrote it last year at the end of Pesach and filed it away with my Pesach cookbooks so that I would be sure to find it. And I did! Sometimes, the system works.

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