Monday, March 22, 2010

Cleaning is a drag

This will be extremely short because I am exhausted. However, I did try out the new toy today and am reporting as promised. One of the cats has been throwing up and doing other unmentionable things on the carpet. She is now restricted to the bathroom, which has the advantage of easy-to-clean tile floors.

But the spots on the floor remain to remind us of her problems.
I used the Bissell Spot Bot Pet floor cleaner, which says that you can just set it up and walk away while it does the work. There is some truth to this, but more on that below. After one cycle with the Spot Bot, our spot looked like this:
Better, but still showing some of the darker whatever-it-was. So I ran it over the spot one more time:
Much better. We'll see how it looks tomorrow after it dries completely.

Okay, so here's my opinion of this little spot cleaner. Yes, you can set it up and leave it to do its thing all by its lonesome. The cycle runs about 3-5 minutes, which is not an enormously useful chunk of time, but I managed to do some vacuuming and picking up so it wasn't a total loss.

I think this spot cleaner probably works best on relatively new spots, rather than on spots that have been around for a while. And if you have a lot of spots on your carpet, a carpet cleaner is probably quicker and more efficient.

Since cleaning was about all that I did today -- except for laundry -- that's it. Remember -- with Pesach cleaning going on, getting out of Dodge is kind of on a back burner for a week or so.

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