Monday, January 3, 2011

A (Temporary) Resting Place

After a month or so of complete chaos, including the college men returning from LaLa Land (upon which return they were promptly put to work moving things around), we are at a stopping point. For now. There are still five rooms that need new flooring and a few that need painting, but I finally feel that we can invite a realtor in to take a look. And that, gentle readers, is a prerequisite for selling the house, which is in turn a prerequisite for getting out of Dodge. Finally.

Presenting pictorial proof of our progress!

The kitchen was the first room to be cleared out. Considering that we had to use it every day even in the midst of the work being done, this was not a bad choice.
Anyone who knows me can figure out where all the stuff in the kitchen ended up. The nearest CFS:
The convenient flat surface closest to hand being the dining table, of course! But I'm pleased to say that the dining room is also now whipped into shape.
As you can see, I moved most of my work area into the dining room along with the dog's crates. That paved the way for turning the living room into ... well, a living room rather than an office/dog bedroom.
Friends loaned us the futon couch, we brought down the rattan chair from the balcony (and bought it a new cushion so that it kind-of, sort-of didn't look too ridiculous), and bought a coffee table (our old one having been freecycled some time ago). Speaking of Freecycle, Future Vet's cello can be seen behind the couch in a new-to-him "hard" case received from someone on Freecycle who didn't need it any more.

The kittens LOVE the new living room. Not only are there lots of places for them to sit, but also the new floor is much better for knocking toys around on -- marbles, in particular, go much farther than they did on the old carpet.

The family room is also more-or-less in its final form.
The dog beds were moved in from the dining room in an attempt to keep the dogs off the couches. So far, it seems to be working. There are still pictures and things that were taken off the walls piled up on the hearth and behind the television. But I'm really happy with the way the flooring looks in this room.

That's just Puck, trying to figure out where the paper went. It started to come out, then the printer pulled it back in to print on the other side. This confuses kittens.

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