Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Phew! 50 Boxes Down

I spent quite a lot of time today writing offers for the items in the 9 or 10 boxes for Freecycle. I tried to group similar items together -- like "various electronic gadgets and accessories", a group that included iPod cases, a GameCube memory card, and three hand-held Sudoku games. All told, I wrote 13 posts offering 160 items or groups of items. I'm not counting 10 binders or 20 spiral notebooks as individual items, for example.

And, by the by, 2 of those 22 boxes of books set aside for Book Week(s) were added to the Freecycle mix. The World Book encyclopedia that we used for reference during our homeschooling days and some other reference books that we don't intend to keep had been placed with the books to sort through.

Any way you look at it, that's a significant amount of STUFF that will be leaving the house one way or another -- i.e., via Freecyclers coming and carting it off, or me dumping it into the trashcan on Sunday night.

The up side of Freecycling  is that many of these things will be used. Plus I get them out of the house. The down side is that I end up spending a lot of time on the details -- sorting things out, writing the offers so that people know what is up for grabs, and then sorting through the requests and matching items with people.

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