Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Minus 3 and Counting

We will return to our regularly scheduled programming in just a few days. In the meantime, Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and I have to spend at least a little time thinking about it because a) Media Guy and Future Vet are coming home from school, b) another whole family is coming over and bringing a turkey, c) since half of this family doesn't eat turkey, something to eat besides turkey has to be prepared, d) one of my sisters, one of my nieces (though not this sister's daughter), and one of my niece's friends are arriving sometime on Thursday on their way to moving niece and friend to their new home, e) other people are likely to show up as well on Thursday, and d) in addition to eating here, quite a few of these people plan to sleep here.

In short, there's cooking and cleaning to be done. In the process, some cleaning does lead to getting rid of STUFF, but there's a certain amount of STUFF that just gets moved so that it can be dealt with later. Right.

First of all, when we left the living room some time ago, there were boxes and other STUFF piled up on the couch:

Just out of sight in the bottom left corner is Max's crate. And visible but probably not detectable as what it actually is, on top of that brown chest midway up the right side of the picture is a second large dog crate in two pieces with a pad and a dog bed lying on top of it. Those were for dog who was supposed to come here for fostering, but who ended up going somewhere else.

In short, on top of dealing with the boxes and STUFF, I needed to move dog stuff out of this room because that couch that is buried under all those boxes is amazingly comfortable to sleep on.

As of Friday of last week, progress had been made:

Max's crate and about half the boxes are gone. Last night I finished going through the boxes (throw it all away!), vacuumed, and moved furniture around:

It's so nice to have some room to move around and a couch to sit (and sleep) on again! With Max's crate out of the way, I moved Hershey's crate over to the corner and gained some maneuvering room around my desk.

I have a borrowed carpet cleaner and we'll be going to work on those spots on the carpet either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Beyond that, we went shopping for food so that we can make some things to eat on Thursday. And every day until Thursday and a few days after Thursday.

If you want to find out what happens to all this food (plus the vegetables and frozen stuff that are already stashed away), details will be posted.

And one other thing. As faithful readers all know, we have this storage locker which is full of (you guessed it!) boxes. But the rent keeps going up on the storage locker and I've finally had enough. So the Wizard went out and bought a new New Shed and has been putting it together. As soon as it's done, I will recruit Sports Nut to help me move boxes from the storage locker to the new New Shed.

Tomorrow. More cleaning. More preparations for Thanksgiving. How exciting!

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