Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not Sure Whether This is an Improvement

Sports Nut and I dragged all kinds of things out of the garage yesterday, and then I spent the rest of the day writing up Freecycle offers. And most of the evening into the wee hours of the morning sorting requests and responding to the people who asked for things. I am somewhat befuzzled this morning.

But I did remember to take a few pictures late last night to show what progress had been made.
I took that picture and thought "but .... we dragged big enormous things out of there". So I took a few steps to the right and found the big hole in the STUFF.
Look! Bare floor! Sort of.

Shortly after that, I went to bed instead of posting at 2:00 a.m. I'm not sure I'm more coherent or more awake, but at least the sun is up.

A bottle of wine, a pile of potholders, and a kitten. Who could want more out of life?


  1. Pills and chocolates, you forgot the pills and chocolates.

  2. Oooh, you're right. They were on the other counter.
