Friday, January 30, 2009

Negative Progress?

Today, instead of tackling a box, a bag, a shelf or a pile at my house, I went to my former place of volunteering and cleaned out the rooms where I had things. In order to feel virtuous while neglecting my de-crapification project at home, I listed a bunch of things on Freecycle before I left:

We (I convinced Media Guru and Sports Nut to help by offering to buy them lunch) filled up my big van with cardboard, paper, cans and bottles and took all of that over to the recycling center. I had actually planned to stay and finish packing up the stuff we were going to take home, but just as we took the last of the recycling out to the car, the fire alarm went off. Since I couldn't be in the building anyway, I decided to go to the recycling center.

The recycling place that used to be a few blocks away had disappeared, so we went to the next closest one we could find, dumped all our stuff, bought some yarn at the Joann's that shared the parking lot, and headed back to refill the car.

You can't even see everything that we piled into the car. Trust me, it is WAY more than I gave away on Freecycle today. So, in some sense, I made negative progress today. But ... the game is still afoot.

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