Or maybe, instead of multiplying, they secretly migrate from one house to another. Are you missing any Sharpies? Check your neighbor's house!
After that disconcerting discovery, I pulled some stuff out of the garage with the intention of going through all of it today:

Canti apparently thought maybe he would help. I also thought I would sort through the boxes of cassette tapes that I uncovered the other day. I did at least empty the boxes onto the dining room table:

And, speaking of cassettes, don't forget this case full of Broadway musical cast recordings:

But before I could get started on these worthy projects, Sports Nut and I had to go do a little shopping at one of our favorite stores:

Where we bought all kinds of STUFF to bring into the house:

Then, because it was right on the way home, we had to stop at our other favorite non-grocery store:

Where they had Rubbermaid storage bins on sale. Naturally, we had to buy a few to help hold the STUFF we are keeping:

But that wasn't the end of the new STUFF we brought into the house today. I bought yarn for a sweater a few months ago, then discovered that I had calculated wrong and didn't have enough. So I went online and bought some more yarn, which was just delivered:

And one of our favorite grocery stores, a Wild Oats which was bought out by Whole Foods, is closing and was having a 50% off sale. The Wizard and I headed over to stock up. You can never have enough HOT barbecue sauce. Fifteen jars ought to last us for a couple of months.

Finally, after all that, I got to those boxes that I had pulled out this morning. And that's when I discovered that sometimes it is hard to decide what to do with the STUFF in the boxes. What am I supposed to do with a few snapshots of my family?

Or 2 out of the 12 or so little books of pictures we took on our family trip to Israel in 1998?

Or, worst of all, the slides of our wedding?

The wedding slides, at least, have been sitting around for 31 years, give or take a couple of weeks. They can be put off a little longer.
All in all, I decided that I was not equipped to deal with pictures at this time, so I put them back into a box. I think I'll talk to my oldest sister, who is the Keeper of the Family Photos (i.e., the boxes and boxes of pictures my very-talented-amateur photographer of a father took). She may have some ideas.
At this point, I have brought a lot of STUFF into the house today and haven't really gotten rid of anything.
Then, I found these:

Check registers from a bank account we closed over 5 years ago. Finally, something I can shred!
Since I hadn't listed anything on Freecycle yet this week, I decided it was time to do that. Besides the things I had been collecting for the past week, I ran through the garage and collected almost anything that caught my eye. Here is the final result:

The furniture is staying. The dog is negotiable, but either that dog bed or the one that is under the dining room table is up for grabs.
However, it occurred to me that I really need a holding area for items that I am planning to Freecycle. So far, I've been collecting them next to my desk or in the back hall. Unfortunately we had a little accident this week. There was a jar of aromatherapy oil in the Freecycle box. It got knocked over. It leaked. The living room is still quite fragrant.
The garage seems to be the obvious place. But the task is a little daunting. Looking from the door from the house to the garage and moving from left to right, here is what I see.
Along the left-hand wall of the garage, looking toward the front:

The middle of the garage:

The back wall of the garage, looking toward the right-hand side:

As Scarlett O'Hara used to say, "Tomorrow is another day." I will think about it then.
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