First of all, it snowed here in Dodge, which is an unusual-enough occurrence that I actually took a picture of it.

Doesn't look like much, does it? Trust me, it wasn't much, but that doesn't stop people here from panicking. It did, however, snow off and on for most of the day, so I mostly stayed inside and went through bags of clothes and bed linens to donate. Lots of things needed to be washed -- a good snow day activity.
I also had other projects to work on, like balancing the check book and paying the bills and studying Torah. With help.

In the background, remember that I am continuing to work on converting cassette tapes to computer-friendly formats so that I can load them onto my iPod. I am definitely making progress.

Despite the cold, I ventured out into the garage this morning to find a box, a bag, a shelf or a pile to do away with today. Instead, I found 5 boxes which were clearly marked Not My Problem.

Next I went prowling for things to Freecycle. All kinds of STUFF presented itself.

Next, I came across these lovely items:

The TV stand is probably the one from my Grandmother's apartment. She had a computer on it, not that she used the computer much. She was 103 years old and mostly blind, after all. But when we visited, we would check her email and send replies that she dictated. But.... we really don't need another computer stand, so it is also going away.
Still looking for a box to empty, I finally came across this one:

Cool! One with actual STUFF that I could deal with. Inside the bottom of a Tupperware cabbage keeper (just the bottom? why did I hang onto that?) is a pottery oil lamp that we bought years ago to give to one of my sisters. Yet there it is, in our house, having been moved across the country five years ago. I'm sure that someone out there can give it a better home than a box in our garage.

That holds a big box of wooden matches. You put the box down inside and the "strike" areas from the box are available on the sides. Matches load down into that little reservoir at the bottom. Grandmother had this on a nail next to her gas stove for many years so that she would always have a match available to light a burner. Now, of course, most people have electric stoves and gas stoves have much better electronic ignition systems. Matches are rarely needed to light burners.
I'll have to think about that one for a while. Maybe one of the sibs has a gas stove and would like to have this.
So here is most of my final pile for Freecycling:

Toshie, checking out the give-aways, will undoubtedly stay although I have Freecycled cats before. About a year ago, a friend of a young woman we know left her two cats at our house. When she made it clear that she wasn't going to take them back, we found them a new home. And just last month, we found a home through Freecycle for the cat that Drama Queen left behind. All three cats found good homes with people who give them much more time and attention than we could, so it's all good.
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