That's my excuse for not updating this blog lately. And I'm sticking to it.
The dog is in disgrace, by the way. She was let back into the house yesterday and immediately got into another dispute, so she is in exile again (still):

But before all that... even before the Wizard and I completed 31 years of married life (notice that I didn't say "bliss" exactly), I had a box to empty.

The drawers on top had their own interesting surprises. Like spools with and without thread:

I remember that gold thread. I made a gold vest for the community chorus Pops concert in our former town the year we moved to Dodge. The blue thread is from Future Vet's ongoing quilt project. I'm not sure about the rest, but I do have a place to keep spools of thread, so those were easy to dispose of.
There was also an odd-shaped light bulb that must have been from a desk that somebody (I suspect the Drama Queen) had at some point:

And there were the plastic horses:

Plastic horses? Why would I have plastic horses? I honestly cannot remember where these came from. I can't even imagine when or why they came into the house. I have this vague idea that they had something to do with the youth group. But I am absolutely positive that we never went horseback riding.
Actually, now that I think about it, one of last year's co-presidents did go horseback riding, fell off, and broke her leg really badly. But I don't think we would have bought plastic horses to commemorate the event.
Whatever. There wasn't much inside the actual box:

All of that was dealt with in a matter of seconds, leaving me to continue wondering about the plastic horses. So I went and found a shelf to clear to take my mind off the plastic horse problem:

But before I could do much about the things on that shelf, I got distracted by this:

A box of used softballs. How useful!
If only that were the end of it. But no -- I found more softballs:

And yet more softballs:

And ... yes, even more softballs. Unused ones, this time:

The Wizard and the young men of the household once played softball on Sunday mornings with a bunch of men from the synagogue. I don't know why they felt compelled to buy dozens of softballs, but they did. Then they stopped playing and left the softballs behind for me to deal with.
And I have! I found a woman who is putting together some packages to send to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. She's going to take the softballs and include them in the packages she sends. I expect they will get left behind when the soldiers are deployed back to the States, but that's cool, too.
I will catch up on the exciting weekend events tomorrow. The Drama Queen moved to a new apartment ... drama enough for the whole family.
That light is from a headboard, not a desk. It was in that Corner bedroom, the one that I'd painted white and pink and then MG painted red and grey? or is that his current room and he just repainted the molding in the old house. Anyhow...