If I have free time, then it must be used to deal with a bag, a box, a shelf or a pile. I decided on this pile, even though the pile consists of three boxes:

The discerning reader will immediately see the problem. On top of my pile of boxes is a pile of games and puzzles. Thus to the game shelf:

And, as naturally as breathing, also to the place where puzzles are currently being stored:

Hmmm.... this will never do. So, before I could get to my pile of three boxes, I had to deal with the games and puzzles.

If you are obsessive about looking at these pictures, you may note that some items previously up on that shelf with the puzzles are now on the shelf below. And may infer that other items are on other shelves. True, all true. However, I did put a few things into the Freecycle box -- like a package of cork tiles and a Max-sized (i.e., really really big) E-collar.
With all that out of the way, I finally got to the pile of three boxes. This pile is actually a kind of cheat, chosen to maximize my Sunday free time. I already knew the contents of the boxes and I knew exactly where those contents were going, so this wasn't as big a task as it looked.
Several months ago, I got rid of two 2-drawer filing cabinets for reasons that were more than sufficient at the time. Neither one really worked. And one was empty. Last weekend, the Wizard and I went out with the Sports Nut and bought a brand-new commercial filing cabinet. (Now that we no longer have young kids banging into everything, we are finally getting things that will stand up to active young children. Go figure.)

The files have been successfully relocated. Of course, at some point in the future I will have to go through them and get rid of STUFF. But that wasn't today's task.
The cardboard carton on top of the pile also had STUFF from the old filing cabinet, but it wasn't in file folders:

Normally, I would have just chucked the GED books (there are actually 3 of them there) into a Freecycle box. But the Media Guru and the Sports Nut thought that maybe they would consider taking the GED. It's not that they didn't finish high school; it's just that because they were homeschooled, they always have to explain. If they have a GED, they can just mark off that box and everyone is happy.
Most of the rest of the papers were some local newsletters and papers that we have decided not to hang on to. After all, if we are determined to get out of Dodge, do we really need to hang on to reminders about the reasons we are leaving? So all I had to do there was rip off address information so it would be shredded, and then dump the rest into a recycle bag.
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