Remember those 2 or 3 boxes that I handed to the Drama Queen when last we checked in? Well, she took a cursory glance at them and declared that she didn't want anything in the boxes. Which gave me the dubious pleasure of going through them myself. (We may have to rename the Drama Queen, though. Yesterday she figured out how to change her major from Theater to Economics.)
Most of the STUFF in the DQ's boxes was toiletries and make-up, so I have contacted someone I know who works at a homeless shelter. She will probably pick up all this stuff -- toothpaste, bars of soap, hand lotion, make-up, pantyhose, etc. -- and take it to the shelter. Some of the other stuff had to be disposed of (expired medications, for example), and some I am going to offer on Freecycle.
So I multi-tasked this morning. While I watched the Inauguration coverage, I also sorted through STUFF and wrote offers for Freecycle. All things considered, I enjoyed the Inauguration coverage much more. I even got to watch it twice -- my Media Guru had classes this morning, so he recorded the news coverage. It was kind of nice to listen to President Obama's speech twice.
And I still got around to today's promised shelf. Here's the BEFORE view:

And another view:

Oh, wow! That is actually TWO shelves! And since I had already taken the pictures, I felt obligated to do both shelves. Here's the AFTER view:

Again, some STUFF was tossed and some was put where it belonged and some will be offered on Freecycle. On that top shelf are light bulbs and candles. Also some matches. But it all kind of goes together, at least in my mind. On the second shelf is one container of batteries and one of this-to-that things -- tape, glue, nails, etc. Hmmm.... maybe that flashlight belongs on the top shelf with the other light-making STUFF. The cardboard box has some animal-related items that I will probably give to one of the animal rescue groups in town. Not yet, though, I'm sure that there is more of the same somewhere in this pile:

But that's a task for another day. Tomorrow I am going to tackle the shelf that holds all the dog treats. And continue looking for the boxes of files that are somewhere in that pile pictured above.
Oh! Before I forget ... remember how I had this DVD remote and I had no idea where the DVD player had gone? Today I found the DVD player! It was hiding upstairs in the office, along with a large pile of STUFF including not one, but two, defunct laptop computers.
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