- You can put it in a box or a bag, on a shelf, or in a pile ... because -- who knows? -- it might come in handy some day. I have LOTS and LOTS of STUFF that fits into this category, which is why I am now doing a box, a bag, a shelf, or a pile a day.
- You can throw it away. (Eeeuuuwww ... wasteful!)
- You can give it to someone you know. Assuming you know someone who could use it. This does happen to me occasionally. Just the other day, I uncovered a Grow Light. Why I bought it is beyond me, because plants shrivel up and die when I approach. BUT... I have a friend with a proverbial green thumb, who now has a Grow Light.
- You can give it to someone you don't know. Traditionally, this sort of thing has been done through organizations such as Good Will. Or leaving it on the sidewalk with a sign that says "FREE".

Believe me, that was a monumental pile before it all got sorted out. And in addition to all of that, someone is coming by to pick up all of this, which is mostly toiletries that are going to a homeless shelter. (The Wal-mart bags aren't mine, by the way. Some of the impoverished students who occasionally live with me have been known to shop there, but I pretty much avoid the place.)

So I am already feeling virtuous. One enormous pile of STUFF and at least two boxes. I'm way ahead of my goal for the day.
But wait! There's more.... After a lucious but lonely supper (Media Guru has class on Thursday nights and the Wizard has a meeting tonight, so dinner was every person for him- or herself), I finally got to the dog treat shelf in the garage.
Here's the before view:

And here's the after view:

Now I realize that this doesn't look like a big change. On the other hand, I threw out a lot of trash from empty bags and containers. I consolidated the various other piles of dog treats and toys that were hanging out in the garage. And ... I have finally figured out that I don't need to buy any more dog treats for a while.
Thanks for the Freecycle idea. Our pump in the basement sink stopped working which means the plumber suggests that we remove the working but no longer needed washer and dryer must go.
ReplyDeleteI will look for the local freecycle.
Wizard's lost kin.