Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Honey, I'm Home! -- And My 100th Post!!

To be honest, neither being home nor this being the 100th post is all that exciting. The Wizard and I went up to Boston over the weekend for a family Bat Mitzvah and we have been back since Sunday afternoon. That is, I have been back. The Wizard was back but now is gone again. Wizards are like that.

And I wouldn't have known this was the 100th blog entry if Blogger hadn't told me.

I felt the need to include some excitement because there isn't all that much to be excited about in terms of decrapifying. However, while away, we did make some progress on deciding where to go when we do finally get the hell out of Dodge. Ready? We are going to relocate to .....  somewhere in the Eastern Time Zone. That certainly narrows it down, doesn't it?

I am not going to show you the clutter that accumulated during the four days we were away. Nor am I going to admit that two boxes are still sitting in the front hall and that Box #10 still awaits. Nope. Not gonna do it.

Instead, look what I finished!
That, gentle readers, is Future Vet's enormous-size Wallaby -- i.e., a hooded sweater with a pouch for his hands. With optional cat.

Now for the filler. (From Wikipedia: In media, filler is material that is combined with material of greater relevance or quality to "fill out" a certain volume.)

Today I found the large dog in the small dog's bed:
I have no idea what that was about.

I also made cookies!
I'm not sure why I felt the need for cookies, either. It was just that kind of day.

I took a picture of the Drama Queen's sitting room. Quite a difference from the last picture, taken right after Media Guy went back to school after winter break.
I suppose I can't blame all of this on the Drama Queen. Her kitty, who can also be seen in many previous pictures of this room, is quite ill, so she has moved a space heater and his food in here in an effort to keep him more comfortable. Unfortunately, there isn't much more we can do for him. He has a mass in his chest that is definitely some form of cancer.

Someone in Boston asked about the bathroom progress and I realized that I never posted a final picture of the upstairs (master) bathroom because we didn't quite finish the work. That is, the major work is finished -- we just haven't had a chance to paint yet. At this point, it's probably going to have to wait until the weather gets warmer.

These pictures aren't great, but they should give you an idea of what was done while I was nursing broken ribs and a busted kneed last summer.
That floor had to be ripped up in spots and replaced, so it looks pretty good from where I'm sitting. And here's the inside of the shower:
 I'll post more comprehensive pictures when we finally do the painting and other finishing work.

To top off the day, I decided on the next knitting project. It's back to the Wallaby I left behind when Future Vet asked for one. This is where I left it:
Ah! Now you know my secret. I don't really do any knitting myself. The cat does it.

1 comment:

  1. Condolences to Drama Queen on her cat's illness. Losing a friend or loved one to cancer is bitter as you well know.

    Kudos on the Wallaby. Future Vet should appreciate all you do for him.

    Welcome back to the East whenever you arrive. If its Northeast, I can't wait for multiple reasons.
