Today was extremely productive on a number of fronts. Early this morning, the
Glass-Rite guys showed up to replace three windows and to fix an odd thing in our downstairs bathroom. Seems that, long ago when an unnamed previous owner of this house decided to enclose the patio to make a dining room, they managed to block off half of the bathroom window in the process:

While that ledge has been very handy for holding bottles of shampoo and so on, the unfinished look of this addition has always bugged me a little. So we put in a smaller window (which doesn't affect the light or air flow in the bathroom at all because it is a casement window) and had the guys build out the other side so that it can be tiled to match the rest of the bathtub enclosure.
But that's the next project. Here's a halfway picture:

We put a shower curtain over that wall to protect the work-in-progress from moisture. We don't have much choice about using that shower for the time being. With any luck, the Wizard and I will manage to go look at tile tomorrow afternoon so that we can get the bathroom projects underway.
But back to today's productivity. Future Vet called from a distant country to ask me to send him three pictures -- all of younger versions of himself. This request dictated the direction of the de-crapification today. We went through those 2 boxes of photos that were in the dining room. And because we couldn't find one of the pictures FV wanted in those boxes, we also dragged in the additional two boxes of photos that were still in the garage. The result was 7 photo boxes chock full of snapshots, Polaroids, and old Instamatic pictures and one book carton that is full of school pictures and studio portraits.

AND a whole lot of empty boxes:

This project was actually kind of fun because the Wizard and Sports Nut and even the Media Guy all got into the act. We found the rest of our pictures from the family trip to Israel in 1999, had fun deciphering which baby was in various pictures, and remembered past animals and family times.
And, just because I can, here is the picture that Future Vet said he wanted but that it was "okay" if we couldn't find it:

Yes, that is Future Vet his very own self, dressed up as the Damsel in Distress for a family costume one Purim many, many years ago. Big sister (Drama Queen) was an evil sorceress, big brothers (Sports Nut and Media Guy) were Knights in Shiny Armor, the Wizard was a dragon, and I was a castle. For the record, it's hard to sit down when you are wearing a castle costume.
Many thanks to Sports Nut, who actually located the picture.
But, as impressive as going through all those boxes of photos was, that was not all the de-crapification work for the day. I listed lots of stuff (mostly left behind by the Drama Queen) on Freecycle:

And I got rid of yet another entire box by listing these homeschooling magazines on Freecycle:

And then continued putting things on Freecycle. Anything to get them out of the house:

Do I really need books about kid's parties any more? I think not, though it was fun to look through the pictures of all the various birthday parties we did over the years. There was Drama Queen's Birthday Circus and Birthday Luau (two different years), Sport's Nuts cooking party and TMNT party, Media Guy's Pirate Party, Future Vet's
Wishbone party ... among others. Plus we found all kinds of clues! We used to have treasure hunts at every birthday party and for the pre-readers, we used Polaroid pictures of the places where the next clue was hidden. Some of the picture clues were kind of obscure in retrospect.
But I digress....
I started the day with 36 boxes plus a variety of other containers. We emptied 3 boxes of photos (though we can only count one because the two boxes we brought in from the garage weren't in the original count). I Freecycled a box of magazines and the box full of things waiting to be freecycled. So that is a total of 3 boxes out of the original 36.
That leaves thirty-three boxes of crap in the house. Thirty-three boxes of crap.....
If only that were true. Thirty-three boxes seems manageable. But that's only the boxes in the public areas in the downstairs of the house. Don't forget the upstairs, Future Vet's bedroom, the garage, the two sheds in the back yard, and the dreaded Storage Locker.
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