First, a brief travelogue. Second, a preview of the wonderful things in store this week.
The Wizard and I traveled to Tucson, Arizona, to celebrate Purim. That was fun, but I forgot to take pictures, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Then we did a little exploration. Like the cactus in Sabino Canyon.
This one appears to have a tumor:

As we were about to leave, we encountered this cute little critter:

Moving right along, we left Tucson after a very nice visit with the family of one of Future Vet's friends, and drove up through Sedona:

We spent most of a day hiking along the Rim Trail, which is mostly level and has some spectacular views. I took some pictures, but my little Canon SureShot really doesn't do them justice, so I will spare you, gentle readers.
My SureShot probably won't do justice to these either, but seeing them was so unutterably COOL that I just have to share:

I was going to post some other pictures, but let's face it -- you can see better ones online, in postcards, in books, etc. Unless you know what you are looking at, one person's snapshots just aren't that enlightening.
However, we did have one or two interesting incidents during the afternoon. I was looking down over the edge when all of a sudden I spotted something quite familiar to anyone who has lived in the Northeast US for decades -- SNOW!!
I took a picture, but it's hard to capture something as emphemeral as snow.

After the snow started falling, we walked a little further then took a bus down far enough to finally catch a glimpse of the Colorado River, far below:

Coming back to Dodge was exciting. It rained and/or snowed for most of the way and the windshield wiper on the Wizard's car decided to crap out on us. That's not an experience I'm in a hurry to re-create.
Since returning to Dodge, I have been trying to get back into the rhythms of daily life at home. Back to the box, bag, shelf, or pile a day thing, that is. It's been four days and today, the fifth day, I'm ready to tackle the STUFF.
But before that, a small digression. The Drama Queen bought a car! Or half a car, judging by it's size:

Okay, now to the box issue. I went around the house this morning counting boxes. Here's what I found:
In the Living Room (also my office):
1 half-empty box of books
2 boxes of video cassette tapes (one of prerecorded tapes, one of tapes we recorded)
1 box containing some video cassettes and some game system controllers
2 boxes/cases of Girl Scout cookies (with 12 and 10 boxes inside)
1 box of audio cassette tapes and yarn
1 box of books, papers, and other stuff from my previous place of work
1 box of all kinds of unused papers
1 box full of things to Freecycle
In the Kitchen:
1 box of "Things Looking for Other Things"
In the Family Room:
1 box of softballs and Hanukka decorations
3 boxes of books
1 box of sci-fi and fantasy magazines
2 boxes of yarn
1 box of K'nex pieces, plus 4 additional containers of the same
stacks of books all over the coffee table
2 bags of toys
In the Dining Room:
2 boxes of books
9 boxes of papers, mostly from my previous employment
1 box of homeschooling magazines
1 box of "Thing to Save for the Next House"
2 boxes of photos
1 box of audio cassettes
1 box of the Drama Queen's belongings
By my count, that makes 36 boxes, 4 containers of K'nex, 2 bags of toys, and several stacks of books. Though I don't know if I should really count the Girl Scout cookies, which are going into the freezer until after Passover. If I can get through all of that this week (remember, it's already Wednesday), I can make up for the week I lost in Arizona, which does not condone Daylight Savings Time. (And neither do I.)
Why does everyone make fun of the size of my car? It's not that small. It really isn't.