Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finally ... Progress!

Dauntless readers of this blog may recall that last March, Sports Nut did some deconstruction in the kitchen.
Now, after months of living with bare-naked light bulbs up there, we finally had an electrician who not only returned our calls but who also showed up and installed the new light fixture (with fan!) for us:
The next step, as should be obvious, is to fix the ceiling so there are no longer any holes in it. There's some other minor work to be done on the walls and ceiling in and around the kitchen as well. Once all of that is done, I think we can finally declare that the kitchen remodel is officially completed.

On other fronts, I continue to go through as many boxes each day as I can fit in. One day's stack from the past week looked like this:
There are such odd assortments of items in these boxes. Some are full of the offspring's belongings, but others look like someone cleared a table off into a box and stuck it out in the garage. Probably me.

There are two boxes and two paper grocery bags full of papers that need to be shredded. Instead of knitting while watching DVDs, I guess I'll be shredding for the next few days. What fun! If only the kittens did a more thorough job when they shred papers, I'd be all set.

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