When last I wrote, Future Vet had more-or-less just returned from his year in a far-away country. Then he went on a college trip to La-La Land where he found the school of his dreams. Most of the rest of the summer was spent getting him (and his brother Media Guy, who is transferring to the same school) ready to push out of the nest.
As I wrote, it's been a busy summer.
Especially since the Drama Queen decided that she would also go back to school full time, which meant cutting back on her work hours, which meant she could no longer afford her apartment and her car payment, which meant she moved back into the house. Out one door and in another. I should put up revolving doors.
Be that as it may, I just returned from dropping Future Vet and Media Guy off in La-La Land. Maybe one of these days I will hear from them. Media Guy had to move out of his bedroom so that the Drama Queen could move in. Also, Sports Nut moved out of his bedroom so that the Drama Queen could move in. (Yes, she is occupying two bedrooms, but it's all good -- they have a connecting door, a private bathroom, and a door to the outside.) There was a lot of painting and refurbishing going on to make all that happen.
But that's not what I wanted to blog about today because none of that is in aid of getting out of Dodge. What I want to report is Negative Progress. This is a Bad Thing.
Sports Nuts (who came along to help drive and to visit Disneyland) and I returned from dropping off his brothers to find .... well, see for yourselves:

Then there's the kitchen:

The rest of the house isn't much better. Where do we eat in this dining room?

There's more, but I won't go into it right now. Piles of dirty laundry (some of it in actual laundry baskets) everywhere. An enormous stack of boxes of things taken from Media Guy's bedroom in the front hall. DVDs piled up all over the family room. (Okay, I left them there before I took off with my three sons, but still.... )
Today's mission is the kitchen. I'll check in later.
In the meantime, we are wondering if this is the reason our birdfeeders have been less busy lately:

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