The new shower has the same "footprint" as the old Jacuzzi tub, so it's going to be fairly large. Along that back wall, there will be a bench so lazy people like me can sit down in the shower. Also, the bench will hide that strange little jog in the corner (which is there because of a plumbing issue). Today, they built the support for the bench. Tomorrow, with any luck, the bench and walls will go in.

But this whole bathroom remodeling work reminds me of a defining episode in my life -- something that happened long, long ago when the Drama Queen was but a babe.
The Wizard and I took the baby Drama Queen (whose talent for drama was as yet unknown) to visit my parents, who were living in New Orleans at the time. While we were there, the faucet for their tub broke so, as a temporary solution, we were using pliers to turn the water in the tub on and off. A year or so later, we returned to New Orleans (with the DQ, of course) for another visit. The water in the tub was still being turned on and off by using pliers. For over a year, my parents just hadn't gotten around to dealing with this relatively minor plumbing problem.
I decided right then and there that, while my parents had many admirable traits that I wanted to emulate, failing to do minor household repairs was not one of them. I was thinking about this today because, on the one hand we have been living with sub-adequate bathrooms for almost a year. On the other hand, we have been in the process of getting ready to do the bathrooms for most of that year. And we dealt with another major issue -- the kitchen -- during the same time frame. So I'm cool with where we are.
And it's going to be so nice when the new shower upstairs is done. I'm tired of going up and down stairs to take a shower.
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